Photo Content from L.A. Weatherly
L.A. Weatherly is the pseudonym for Lee Weatherly. You can follow her on Twitter at @LA_Weatherly
I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, and now live in Hampshire, England, where I've lived for the last 16 years. (Yes, I still have my American accent!)
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a writer - in fact, one of my first memories is of writing and illustrating a story. I was very serious about it, too; I was determined to get it published.
What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say?
Angel Fire takes Alex and Willow to Mexico City to face the Seraphic Council - where they also encounter Seb, a half-angel who's been looking for Willow his entire life.
What is your favorite food?
I love spicy food, so am very lucky to live in England: home of fabulous Indian curry!
What or who inspired you to write? And how long have you been writing?
My parents were both hugely supportive of my writing. I've been writing almost literally my whole life, though I've only been published for about the last 10 years.
What is the best advice that you have ever been given when it comes to writing?
"Don't worry if your story ideas seem boring to you; that's only because you're used to them. To someone else, they might seem new and exciting."
How did you come up with the title and cover design for Angel Fire?
Angel Fire seemed a natural title - it continued the 'Angel' theme started with Angel Burn, and basically indicates that things are heating up in the series. I don't really have anything to do with the cover design, but feel extremely lucky to have two such great covers for the book, both in the UK and the US.
Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?
No, not really; they pretty much came to me fully-formed! However, my mother was a little bit psychic at times, so that might have influenced me when writing about Willow. Also, both Alex and Willow were forced to grow up quickly, which I can also relate to.
If you gave some of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say?
Oh, they already do speak for themselves! I promise, I have no control over them. If they could speak outside of the context of the story, though, I imagine they'd tell me to get back to work on book 3, Angel Fever. (I can just see Alex now, watching me accusingly with his arms crossed over his chest...)
Why do you feel you had to tell this story?
Well, the Angel series was a planned trilogy, so I always knew that I'd be writing Angel Fire. I particularly wanted to explore the themes of love, loyalty and temptation.
Who is your favorite character in this book, and why?
Ooh, tough one! I don't think I can choose. I love Alex and Willow (obviously!) but really, really love newcomer Seb, too. When I was writing the story he was often a problem child, but totally worth it. I also had a lot of fun with the character of Sam.
What was your favorite chapter to write and why?
Hmm, I can't really say very much about this without revealing spoilers for the book...but let's just say there's a point in Angel Fire where something happens that's been building for a long time, and it was wonderful to finally write it.
Is there anything you would change in your last book and why?
There are always small things. I don't think any writer alive has ever written a book in which they're happy with every word. I'm really pleased with Angel Fire, though, and for a change can't think of anything significant that I'd want to alter (which is rare for me!)
What question are you never asked in interviews but wish you were?
People don't often ask about specific decisions that I made in a story - for instance, why I chose a particular plot twist - and I really enjoy discussing that kind of thing, probably because I also teach writing, and love talking about craft.
Has a review or profile ever changed your perspective on your work?
It's always fascinating when readers see things in your work that you didn't even realize yourself - but then you read their comments and think, "Wow, yeah, they have a point." An example is a reader who pointed out that Willow was raised in a house full of women while Alex was raised in a house full of men, and how this had affected them both. She was totally right, but it had never occurred to me, and it was very interesting to read.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, I hear from readers all the time on Twitter and Facebook. They tell me what they think of the Angel series, ask when the next book is going to be out, and in general nag me to write faster. ;) I really enjoy 'chatting' with them - it's nice to have that kind of connection with your readers. People sometimes also send me links to songs that remind them of the Angel series, which I love getting. I make personal playlists for each book I write, and lots of readers' picks have made it on there.
Are there any tips you would give a book club to better navigate their discussion of your book?
No, I don't think so. Books are a very personal experience, and even as the author, I don't think it would be right for me to guide someone else's perceptions of the story. When you read the Angel series, it becomes yours, and that's how it should be.
If you weren't writing, what would you want to be doing for a living? What are some of your other passions in life?
If I weren't a writer, I'd love to be involved in making movies in some way. For instance, I think I'd be a great film editor, splicing the story together in post-production and ruthlessly tossing scenes onto the cutting-room floor!
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
It would be great to be able to go back in time and meet Mark Twain - he must have been the ultimate raconteur.
What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?
For me, it's writing that grabs the reader up, sweeps them along on a journey, and makes them care.
Are you working on any books/projects that you would like to share with us?
I'm currently busy writing Angel Fever, the final book in the trilogy.
What are you reading now?
I just finished reading Dark Matter by Michelle Paver and thought it was extremely good. It's a ghost story and is genuinely very creepy, set in the Arctic in the middle of the long, dark winter.
What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?
I'm a little behind the times - I recently watched Joss Whedon's Firefly series on DVD, and absolutely loved it. (Why, why was it cancelled?!)
They're out for your soul.
And they don't have heaven in mind...
Willow knows she's different from other girls, and not just because she loves tinkering with cars. Willow has a gift. She can look into the future and know people's dreams and hopes, their sorrows and regrets, just by touching them. She has no idea where this power comes from.
But the assassin, Alex, does. Gorgeous, mysterious Alex knows more about Willow than Willow herself does. He knows that her powers link to dark and dangerous forces and that he's one of the few humans left who can fight them. When Alex finds himself falling in love with his sworn enemy, he discovers that nothing is as it seems; least of all good and evil.

Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?
No, not really; they pretty much came to me fully-formed! However, my mother was a little bit psychic at times, so that might have influenced me when writing about Willow. Also, both Alex and Willow were forced to grow up quickly, which I can also relate to.
If you gave some of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say?
Oh, they already do speak for themselves! I promise, I have no control over them. If they could speak outside of the context of the story, though, I imagine they'd tell me to get back to work on book 3, Angel Fever. (I can just see Alex now, watching me accusingly with his arms crossed over his chest...)
Why do you feel you had to tell this story?
Well, the Angel series was a planned trilogy, so I always knew that I'd be writing Angel Fire. I particularly wanted to explore the themes of love, loyalty and temptation.
Who is your favorite character in this book, and why?
Ooh, tough one! I don't think I can choose. I love Alex and Willow (obviously!) but really, really love newcomer Seb, too. When I was writing the story he was often a problem child, but totally worth it. I also had a lot of fun with the character of Sam.
What was your favorite chapter to write and why?
Hmm, I can't really say very much about this without revealing spoilers for the book...but let's just say there's a point in Angel Fire where something happens that's been building for a long time, and it was wonderful to finally write it.
Is there anything you would change in your last book and why?
There are always small things. I don't think any writer alive has ever written a book in which they're happy with every word. I'm really pleased with Angel Fire, though, and for a change can't think of anything significant that I'd want to alter (which is rare for me!)
What question are you never asked in interviews but wish you were?
People don't often ask about specific decisions that I made in a story - for instance, why I chose a particular plot twist - and I really enjoy discussing that kind of thing, probably because I also teach writing, and love talking about craft.
Has a review or profile ever changed your perspective on your work?
It's always fascinating when readers see things in your work that you didn't even realize yourself - but then you read their comments and think, "Wow, yeah, they have a point." An example is a reader who pointed out that Willow was raised in a house full of women while Alex was raised in a house full of men, and how this had affected them both. She was totally right, but it had never occurred to me, and it was very interesting to read.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, I hear from readers all the time on Twitter and Facebook. They tell me what they think of the Angel series, ask when the next book is going to be out, and in general nag me to write faster. ;) I really enjoy 'chatting' with them - it's nice to have that kind of connection with your readers. People sometimes also send me links to songs that remind them of the Angel series, which I love getting. I make personal playlists for each book I write, and lots of readers' picks have made it on there.
Are there any tips you would give a book club to better navigate their discussion of your book?
No, I don't think so. Books are a very personal experience, and even as the author, I don't think it would be right for me to guide someone else's perceptions of the story. When you read the Angel series, it becomes yours, and that's how it should be.
If you weren't writing, what would you want to be doing for a living? What are some of your other passions in life?
If I weren't a writer, I'd love to be involved in making movies in some way. For instance, I think I'd be a great film editor, splicing the story together in post-production and ruthlessly tossing scenes onto the cutting-room floor!
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
It would be great to be able to go back in time and meet Mark Twain - he must have been the ultimate raconteur.
What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?
For me, it's writing that grabs the reader up, sweeps them along on a journey, and makes them care.
Are you working on any books/projects that you would like to share with us?
I'm currently busy writing Angel Fever, the final book in the trilogy.
What are you reading now?
I just finished reading Dark Matter by Michelle Paver and thought it was extremely good. It's a ghost story and is genuinely very creepy, set in the Arctic in the middle of the long, dark winter.
What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?
I'm a little behind the times - I recently watched Joss Whedon's Firefly series on DVD, and absolutely loved it. (Why, why was it cancelled?!)
And they don't have heaven in mind...
Willow knows she's different from other girls, and not just because she loves tinkering with cars. Willow has a gift. She can look into the future and know people's dreams and hopes, their sorrows and regrets, just by touching them. She has no idea where this power comes from.
But the assassin, Alex, does. Gorgeous, mysterious Alex knows more about Willow than Willow herself does. He knows that her powers link to dark and dangerous forces and that he's one of the few humans left who can fight them. When Alex finds himself falling in love with his sworn enemy, he discovers that nothing is as it seems; least of all good and evil.

The Angel Series is one of those stories that truly deserve to be on my top ten favorites of all time. Not only is the story captivating and amazing, but I have also found an amazing friend. The author, L.A. Weatherly, has shown me that friendship can initiate online and remain to continue even if an ocean sets two people apart. I am gratefully humbled that I have a friend I can talk to, who also happens to write great stories.
Angel Fire, the second part of Weatherly’s Angel Series, was just as compelling, attractively written and breathtaking as the previous book in the series. Even though the book is a continuation of the story, new characters were easily loved and old ones managed to capture my interest. Angel Fire was beautifully written and has raised my anticipation level for the third installment.
As more Angels disembark on Earth to infiltrate the minds of people worldwide, Alex and Willow are running out of places to hide. With no more places to go to, Alex and Willow must stop the Angels ghastly agenda. A special group of Angel Killers is formed that takes the couple to Mexico where they realize a price must be paid in order to accomplish their mission. Willow’s half-angel position makes for untrustworthy with the group that pushes away the world around her.
The relationship between Alex and Willow has grown to be more interesting as the presence of Seb carried some questions between them. It wasn’t a true love triangle but it made for good reading. Seb is a very interesting character. He is fascinating and pleasurable to read about and I hope to learn more of him in the next book.
The story of the angels and how they operate is remarkably amazing. I loved reading how the power plays between them for their undertaking of Earth. Willow’s father, Raziel, added excitement to the story as he did some surprising things. The plot is cleverly put together and I appraise Weatherly for such an amazing work. I am sure that the heart-pounding action and temperature-rising romance will leave you enthralled from start to finish. The pages of Angel Fire are intense but Weatherly’s style warranted the plot remained passionate and exhilarating throughout. It was absolutely addictive and I can’t wait for the third book to come in October.
Praise for ANGEL BURN
Weatherly's plot and writing are first-rate, adrenaline- fueled while still taking the time to thoughtfully develop the characters and build the romance. This elevated twist on the angel genre deserves to be spread far and wide. —Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Fast-paced thriller romance…Perfect for the Twilight crowd —Kirkus Reviews
A thrilling, action-packed story with insidious villains and a disturbing conclusion —Booklist
Weatherly has done for angels what Twilight did for vampires, turning the mythology on its head. —VOYA
Packed with action and romance, culminating in a conclusion full of gratifying revelations. —The Horn Book
Fans of supernatural suspense with a generous dollop of romance will be clamoring for the next book. —School Library Journal
2 Winners will receive one ARC copy of Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly
2 Winners will receive one Angel Burn Tote Bags
5 Signed Willow Fields Art Bookmarks by James Vallesteros
OMG - I LOVED Angel Burn & I CANNOT WAIT to read Angel Fire!!! And James - that pic is just beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for doing this!!!
I loved Angel Burn and I've been searching everywhere for Angel Fire because I thought it was already out in the UK. At least i know it will be coming to the US soon :) And of course James work is amazing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great giveaway! ¦)
Thanks for the awesome chance to win these AWESOME things! I have only heard good things about these books and would love to get my hands on them :P
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say OMG! Love it this is one contest I want to win!! LOVE THE interview it was GREAT!!l:))))))
ReplyDeleteI AM IN LOVE with the pic of Willow its amazing!!!:)) TY James!!;))
OMG!!! Thank you for this incredible giveaway!!! I am in LOVE with Angel Burn and I'm just dying to read Angel Fire!!! Great interview as well!! :)
ReplyDeleteJames, as always your work is amazing!! I love it!! :):)
Good luck everyone!!!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I've heard such a good and awesome reviews about this book! Plus the cover is fantastic!
ReplyDeleteJames, I LOVE your bookmarks!
WOW! Great Interview!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this giveaway!! I loved Angel Burn !! I can't wait to read Angel Fire !! and Thank you,James for donating these AWESOME bookmarks !
i hope this is an international giveaway ^^
ReplyDeletegreat interview thanks you
Love the interview!! I can't wait to read this series
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview and this giveaway!I cant wait to read this book!
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway! And love the interview, it's always interesting getting inside another author's head! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway for what sounds like a great book, can't wait to read it. Thanks for all the brilliant giveaways :)
ReplyDeleteOMG this is a fantastic give away!
ReplyDeleteCant wait to get stuck in to these books, winning a copy would be fantastic!
Thank you :)
Kel xx
Great interview! I've heard nothing but good things about these books! I'll definitely have to pick up a copy soon! :) Thanks for another fantastic giveaway, Jean!
Thank-you James, your work is amazing!!! I've heard great things about these books and I soooo need to get started! Great giveaway
I thanked James on FB. I must say I really look forward to the giveaways here. Mot only because of the AMAZINGness of them but because I LOVE James work!!! All of the prizes you have are sooo great. Thank you so much!! Good luck to all who enter!
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds great. I love the cover! I love the bookmarks. :o) Thank you for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteGabby @ What's Beyond Forks?
Thank you for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAmazing questions! I love how unique they are! I might just have to 'borrow' some of those questions :) Great review :) I can't wait to read this book. Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteLoved the first book and can't wait for Angel Fire. Nice giveaway thanks.
Thanks for the giveaway! I can't wait till it comes out. I love the cover.
Great interview, I love knowing more about the authors. I loved Angel Burn it's definitely a different take on Angels!
ReplyDeleteHi! Awesome give away Jean! (:
Great giveaway! I can't wait to read the next book!
ReplyDeleteThank u SO Much! for this Amazing Giveaway! ;)
ReplyDeletecan´t wait!
U are Awesome, love the interview! :)
Thank you so much, Jean! You always have such awesome giveaways and I love the author interviews on your blog!!
ReplyDeleteLove the Willow Fields image by James! I have thanked him for his donation :)
p.s I think the twitter post I added for this was the incorrect one...;/ oops!! But i tagged you in the tweet :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Jean! You're giveaways are awesome! And thanks to James for his amazing bookmarks! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my god, this is an awesome giveaway. I'm dying for this book!
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful giveaway ... crossing fingers and toes .. The interview was wonderful
ReplyDeletegood luck everyone
Wow!!! I so want in... again!! I'm addicted to your page now Jean!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview and this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAndrea K.
This was a really good interview. I had the first book on my TBR on goodreads, and now I have the rest. Great job to both of you on the interview :)
ReplyDeleteAwsome interview Jean ;) I loved Angel and can't wait to read Angel Fire^^
the wolfs library
Thanks for the awesome giveaway, I heard a lot about this book.
ReplyDeleteI read the first and would love to read the second. Thanks for hosting a giveaway.
ReplyDeleteThis is so awesome! I'd so love Angel Fire and as always James' bookmarks are absolutely incredible! =) ~Mera
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing and allowing us to enter such an amazing giveaway! :) Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of this series! based on your review I have been missing out :) thanks for the interview and give away
ReplyDeletevery awesome!!!! I can't wait to read this one!!!
ReplyDeleteSo Excited :D I wanna read this series with a burning passion hehe ^-^
ReplyDeleteGood luck everyone
ReplyDelete~Christina Williams
Awesome. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win!
One of your top ten favorite books?
ReplyDeleteI'll have to read this one.
What a great giveaway thank you so much can't wait to read this book!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for an amazing giveaway, thx for sharing!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!!!! I hope you will teach me to blog like you one day!
ReplyDeleteHow do I claim it?? Please email or FB to let me know!!!
ReplyDeleteJwar - I emailed all the winners! Are you one of them?
ReplyDeleteI am very excited to be a winner of Angel Fire. I am look forward to receiving my copy. I love to receive e-book in Kindle format if that is possible. You can e-mail me at Lauril(at)bona-fide-reflections(dot) com
ReplyDeleteThanks again for giving me the opportunity to with this book
Happy Reading,
Bona Fide Reflections
Hi Laurie,
ReplyDeletethis is an ARC of Angel Fire due to be release on January 24, 2012. It's not available in e-book. Just emailed you!!
Hi Laurie,
ReplyDeleteI tried to email you but it was a failed delivery. Please contact me as soon as possible